

Born From A Twin Tension

Walking Protest ( WP ) was born out of a twin tension. A love for creative expression, textiles & colour - pulled between a passion for the environment, fair working conditions, transparent supply chains & giving back to nature what we take. 

We believe that education is the most important tool humans can utilise, that's why we have created garments in which instil our philosophy - to test the possibility of this model & share it with our audience. 

Fashion has the ability to destroy eco-systems, treat people unjustly, deplete soils & pollute water ways... But it also has the ability to restore ecosystems, give people safe & fair working conditions, enrich soils & protect water ways. 


We Believe Fashion Needs Some Radical Intervention

Let's be realistic, we are always going to 'need' clothes, they have become apart of our society's fabric (pun intended). At WP, we don't believe in eradicating luxuries we now have, rather re structuring & re shaping them to work alongside the Earth, not against it. 

Our collections are based off different eco-systems and what they can teach us about our collective impact, so that we may use them as teachers & guides for a more sustainable tomorrow. 


We're Not Perfect

At the end of the day, creating a product which isn't needed, isn't sustainable. The reason we decided to make clothing our vessel for consumer education is because we know how influential it can be to literally, wear your values. We also knew that in order to effectively curate solutions, strategies & new innovations to share with our audience - we needed to first try it for ourselves. Our focus lays in enriching ecosystems with the fibres we grow & the pieces we make, giving employment opportunities to people in a safe & fair environment and hopefully inspiring other businesses to do the same. Here's some goals we have to improve our impact, this list will always be full & forever keep growing:

  • Unfortunately, we realised after production that a polyester thread was used to stitch together the elastic sides in our short's waistband. Having better communication with suppliers & ensuring our natural fibres mission is always met is on our list for improvements. 
  • Having fully circular garments. We want our garments to break down at the end of their life - it's our goal to run an experiment with all our pieces, calculating the total days it takes for them to fully biodegrade & what impact this has on soils, surrounding crops & water ways ( good or bad )
  • Meet all of our suppliers in person. It's so important to us to meet all of our suppliers in person & ensure they uphold our values and ones they present online. We also believe in the power of meeting people face to face, understanding the garment's journey & connecting with the land & hands that make them. 
  • Support projects in conjunction with our current collection at the time's ecosystem. 


Where To Next? ...

This is just the start, fashion is our first industry that we want to rebirth. We believe systems as a whole need a shift. What's next? You'll have to stick along for the ride to find out. 




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At the core of our mission lies a commitment to consumer education as we recognise the pivotal role that individuals play as catalysts for change. Our goal is to cultivate a spirit of inquiry within our community, inviting you to explore our relationship with earth & fashion's impact with a string of hope setting the foundation for a newly inspired industry. We aim to grow, learn, innovate & improve with our community as we develop as a business, for the ultimate well being of Earth. There's always more to learn & better ways of doing things.


Our values are simple but deeply rooted—we aim to reflect nature for a healthier planet. The fashion industry's annual waste of 92 million tons is a serious climate emergency, and we're passionate about addressing this & making a change. Our collections represent a commitment to innovating for circular supply chains, where our components are carefully considered to ensure they return harmlessly back to the Earth. Our hope is to inspire other companies to adopt similar practices, contributing to the well-being of our planet in this contemporary world.


The concept of regeneration is still finding its way into universal understanding, closely tied to circularity and vital for the healing of our Earth. In our supply chain, we make it a priority to collaborate with materials and companies that actively engage in practices aimed towards regenerating the Earth, its soil, and ecosystems. Our focus lays within promoting biodiversity and carbon sequestration through our supply chain. Fashion holds a power to instigate positive change for our environment, and we're here to shine a spotlight on that potential.


Hope stands as the antidote to our collective fears, and the power of community is the catalyst for significant change. Walking Protest beckons everyone—whether you're a climate enthusiast, someone unfamiliar with environmental issues, an advocate for change, or indifferent. Our mission is to create a safe space for all, where questions find voice, theories are challenged, and the seeds of inspired change can take root in the vibrant and lively Walking Protest World. We invite you to ask questions, challenge theories & suggest solutions / better ways of doing things. We are all in this together.